Surly, sometimes. I am discovering my own reasoning and also plant care. Behind, between, at the point of, toward. Currently in the process of alphabetizing and metamorphosing one’s brain / one’s words. One is a number and also a being—a brain for numbers always counting my location. Interest in the black and white horizontal photocopied architectural layout in familiarity and frontality. Fears and anxious waking.
Laura Kochman is the author of The Bone and the Body (BatCat Press, 2015) and Future Skirt (dancing girl press, 2013). Originally from New Jersey, she currently lives, writes, and feeds her cat in Philadelphia. She received her MFA in creative writing from the University of Alabama, where she served as poetry editor for Black Warrior Review. Her work appears widely in journals such as Bat City Review, Artifice, Sixth Finch, CutBank, Tarpaulin Sky Magazine, and others.
Author photos by Joel Brouwer.